Monday, March 21, 2011


Ongoing progress so far:

We've emailed Paul our deadlines that have been worked around his deadlines:

further to our conversations and your email, here is a list of proposed deadlines for our work.
Wednesday 30th March-
Present 2-3 cover variations with mocked up cover shoot photographs, 2-3 layout variations with the final written content and mocked up photographs supplied (full colour, proposed stocks or similar). From this meeting we will have finalised designs for the yearbook, both inside and covers. -We propose that if the test photographs for the cover go well, we try and shoot these properly before we break up for Easter (28th-1st April), so we can have a cover absolutely finished before Easter. -We also think that photographs of the staff and the studio should be taken in this week in order to supply us with as much final photographic content as possible, as early as possible. (28th-1st April)

Wednesday 27th April-
-Provide an entire pdf mock up of the entire book in order, minus photographs for you to review, plus samples of prints on proposed stocks etc. From this you can make any changes to the order of content should you require. -Fully proposed layouts for website minus photographic content, plus method of delivery finalised.
Thursday 19th May- -Will have worked ridiculously hard and placed all images into book in 8 days and double-triple-quadruple checked for typos! Mission. Friday 20th May- -pdf proofing Monday 23rd May- -Send to print
Friday 27th May
-discover quadruple checking for typos is not enough.
June 1st
-web delivery finalised with photographic content, ready to code and upload
June 8th
-Aim to have web delivery finished. Thanks Paul, if any of these deadlines seem off, please let us know as soon as possible. Much Love, The Fashion Yearbook Team.

So we now have a fixed set of goals and deadlines which is/was cool.

Today, based on our scouting for photographic areas for the shoots that Myself, Kate, Jonny and Paul himself had been working on, we decided to trial some test shoots at the wood workshop area, he brought some students and we had our photographer Adam Fussell there as well. We immedietely came to the conclusion, with the students and the sound advice of Adam, that this style of photography isn't very utilitarian and won't suit everyone's garments. We decided that it would be best to use a photo studio and have the students prep their own photoshoots.

wood workshop, bottom

This is really helpful in a way because it means we can totally step away form photography which we may have got too absorbed in before. They've managed to book out the photography studio with similar timescales for it, which means it doesn't effect our timetables too much.

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